Apigenin, CD38, NAD+, and Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress: The Story of the Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rat Kidney
Learning complex information is hard. When we put things in story form, it’s much easier to learn and remember. NAD+ precursers are at the heart of interventions for fighting Read more
Refeeding Syndrome
Discover Chubby Emu, A channel that uses case studies that walk you step-by-step through real-life physiology lessons from real View on YouTube
Glyphosate: A Glycine Analog–Mistaken Substitutions in Proteins Causing Disease?
Glyphosate substitution for conserved glycines might explain a link with diabetes, obesity, asthma, and most everything Read on Renewable Farming
Vitamins K1 and K2: The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health
To review the evidence for the use of vitamin K supplementation in clinical conditions such as osteoporosis, vascular calcification, arthritis, cancer, renal calculi, diabetes, and warfarin Read more
Study: Coca-Cola Doesn’t ‘Walk Its Talk’ on Research Independence
The Coca-Cola Company may be exerting undue influence over public health studies that it funds at universities and other institutions, according to an analysis published Tuesday in the Journal of Public Health Policy. Source: Study: Coca-Cola Doesn’t ‘Walk Its Talk’ on Research Read more
Better Diet Tied to Bigger Brains
Healthier diets were associated with larger brain tissue volume in a long-running Dutch cohort study, suggesting that nutrition might affect neurodegeneration through brain structure. Source: Better Diet Tied to Bigger Read more
Dietary fat, fibre, satiation, and satiety—a systematic review of acute studies
Humans appear to have innate energy regulation mechanisms that manifest in sensations of satiation during a meal and satiety post ingestion. Interactions between these mechanisms and the macronutrient profile of their contemporary food environment could be responsible for the dysregulation of this mechanism, resulting in a higher energy intake. The aim of this systematic… Read more Read more
Oxford Academic Journals
Latest in Biological Sciences Latest in Literature Latest in International Law Source: Oxford Academic Read more
Measuring Artificial Sweeteners Toxicity Using a Bioluminescent Bacterial Panel
Artificial sweeteners have become increasingly controversial due to their questionable influence on consumers’ health. They are introduced in most foods and many consume this added Read more
Intracellular Micronutrient Analysis
Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals. Getting enough of them is important for good health. It’s rare in the United States to have medical conditions caused by lack of nutrients like vitamins A, B1, B12, C, D, and selenium. Most people get enough vitamins and minerals through their diet or over-the-counter vitamins. Blood samples are… Read more Read more
Low Vitamin D Tied to Higher Blood Glucose Levels
The goal of this study was to explore whether there is an association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25D) levels and higher blood glucose levels. Source:Low Vitamin D Tied to Higher Blood Glucose Read more
Frequent ED visits common for older adults with diabetes
Diabetes is the most common disease classification for adults aged at least 65 years who are frequently admitted to hospital EDs, according to findings published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine. “The ED’s role in delivering care for a large proportion of the population is expanding, especially for older and sicker patients.” Source: Frequent ED… Read more Read more
Activity Tied to Cognition, Despite Brain Pathologies
Higher levels of physical activity and motor abilities were independently associated with better cognition in older adults, even when brain lesions or biomarkers linked to dementia were Read more
Low sugar diet for pediatric NAFLD improves hepatic steatosis
An 8-week diet low in free sugar content significantly improved hepatic steatosis among adolescent boys with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease compared with their usual diet, according to a study published in JAMA. “There are no approved pharmacological therapies for the treatment of NAFLD,” Jeffrey B. Schwimmer, MD, from the University of California in San Diego,… Read more Read more
Short-Term, Anaerobic FMT May Be Effective in UC
More remissions at 8 weeks compared with autologous fecal microbiota transplants, exploratory study finds Source: Short-Term, Anaerobic FMT May Be Effective in Read more
Meta-Analysis: Vitamin D May Benefit Some COPD Patients
Vitamin D pills almost halved exacerbation risk in vitamin D-deficient, COPD patients Source: Meta-Analysis: Vitamin D May Benefit Some COPD Read more
Transtheoretical Model (or Stages of Change) – Health Behavior Change
Dr. Prochaska’s Stages of Change ground Pro-Change’s evidence-based programs, improving well-being, health behavior and wellness across entire populations. Source: Read more
Interplay between food and gut microbiota in health and disease
Numerous microorganisms colonize the human gastrointestinal tract playing pivotal roles in relation to digestion and absorption of dietary components. Source: Interplay between food and gut Read more
Coconut oil consumption improves fat-free mass in healthy men with normal BMI, compared to peanut oil
Coconut oil consumption improves fat-free mass, plasma HDL-cholesterol and insulin sensitivity in healthy men with normal BMI compared to peanut oil. The existing scientific evidence on coconut oil consumption and its health effects remains inconclusive due to varied reasons. Source: Coconut oil consumption improves fat-free mass, plasma HDL-cholesterol and insulin sensitivity in healthy men with… Read more Read more
Should Massively Parallel Sequencing Be Used to Screen for Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young? – Endocrinology Advisor
The use of targeted massively parallel sequencing to screen children with diabetes for maturity-onset diabetes of the young is more effective and less costly than the current standard care Read more
Three New Perspectives on the Perfect Storm: What’s Behind the Obesity Epidemic?
The rising rates of obesity were first observed in the United States in the late 1980s, and the problem is now observed in more than 30 countries, making this a global epidemic. Despite the best intentions to reduce this burden, no country has been successful in reversing the increasing rates of obesity prevalence Source:Three New… Read more Read more
Could a New Biomarker Help Predict Type 2 Diabetes?
A research team has identified a new blood biomarker that can detect early metabolic abnormalities — well before a person reaches prediabetes — and therefore might one day “predict” type 2 diabetes. Source: Could a New Biomarker Help Predict Type 2 Read more
Introducing novel advanced practice roles into the health workforce: Dietitians leading in gastrostomy management
The number of advanced practice roles in the Australian health‐care system is growing alongside contemporary health‐care reforms. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of introducing novel advanced practice dietitian roles in gastrostomy tube (g‐tube) management and develop a competency framework for progressing opportunities in dietetics practice and policy. Source:Introducing novel advanced practice roles… Read more Read more
Breastfeeding Greater Than 6 Months Is Associated with Smaller Maternal Waist Circumference Up to One Decade After Delivery
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is optimal for infant health.1 However, an equivalently optimal duration for mothers to experience health benefits from breastfeeding has yet to be determined. This may be due to conflicting evidence regarding the association between breastfeeding and maternal health outcomes in the years after pregnancy.2… Read more Read more
A Ketone Ester Drink Lowers Human Ghrelin and Appetite
The ketones d‐β‐hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and acetoacetate are elevated during prolonged fasting or during a “ketogenic” diet. Although weight loss on a ketogenic diet may be associated with decreased appetite and altered gut hormone levels, it is unknown whether such changes are caused by elevated blood ketones. This study investigated the effects of an exogenous ketone ester… Read more Read more
Could Vitamin C Reduce Infant Harm From Smoking in Pregnancy?
Daily supplements of vitamin C might mitigate some of the harm to fetal lung development from smoking during pregnancy, according to a study. Source: Could Vitamin C Reduce Infant Harm From Smoking in Read more
Mediterranean diet and 3-year Alzheimer brain biomarker changes in middle-aged adults
Objective To examine in a 3-year brain imaging study the effects of higher vs lower adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet (MeDi) on Alzheimer disease (AD) biomarker changes (brain Read more
Food & Nutrition Journal (ISSN: 2575-7091)
Food & Nutrition Journal (FDNJ), High impact factor journals in Food & Nutrition, all the articles are peer reviewed by eminent people in the field, Indexed journals in Food & Nutrition, the most widely read and highly cited journal in the field of Food and Nutrition, Food and Nutrition related Journals, Journals on Food &… Read more Read more