Alkaline, Paleo, Ketogenic – Are Any Really Anticancer? Navigating the Diet Craze Maze with an Integrative Oncologist
Alkaline, Paleo, Ketogenic – Are Any Really Anticancer? Navigating the Diet Craze Maze with an Integrative Oncologist. Source: Webinar by Donald Abrams, M.D. Sponsored by Read more
Breast Cancer Death Risk Falls With Low-Fat Diet
Women who consumed a balanced diet and reduced fat intake did not significantly lower their risk of developing breast cancer but were less likely to die of breast cancer, data from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) showed. Source: Breast Cancer Death Risk Falls With Low-Fat Read more
Acids found in coffee, fruit and vegetables may help prevent breast cancer
Breast cancer risk after menopause may be lowered by as much as 65% by consuming more food and liquids with certain kinds of phenolic acids, some of which can be found in coffee, fruits and Read more
Risk for Cancer Increased in Men, Women With T2DM
Men and women with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have an increased risk for overall cancer and some site-specific cancers, according to a study published online May 9 in the Journal of Read more
Supplements, cancer therapies, endocrine-disrupting chemicals can alter thyroid function
Medications, supplements, excessive iodine intake and other exogenous substances including endocrine-disrupting chemicals can influence multiple thyroid effects that clinicians should Read more
The Surprisingly Positive Association Between Obesity and Cancer Immunotherapy Efficacy
This Viewpoint reviews early evidence of improved outcomes among patients with cancer and higher BMIs treated with tumor checkpoint inhibitors, and the scientific challenges of Read more
Increased whole grains in diet linked to reduced risk for liver cancer
Increased intake of whole grains correlated with a reduced risk for hepatocellular carcinoma among adults regardless of cancer etiology, according to study results published in JAMA Oncology. Source: Increased whole grains in diet linked to reduced risk for liver Read more
Young Adult Cancer: Influence of the Obesity Pandemic
The purpose of this article is to review the association of the obesity pandemic with appearance of cancers in young adults under age 50 and to define potential mechanisms by which obesity may accelerate the development of malignancy. Source:Young Adult Cancer: Influence of the Obesity Read more
The emerging role of ketogenic diets in cancer treatment : Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care
Ketogenic diets against cancer are worth further exploration, both in the laboratory and clinically. Patients wishing to undertake a ketogenic diet during therapy should receive dietary counselling to avoid common mistakes and optimize compliance. Future research should focus more on important clinical endpoints. Source: The emerging role of ketogenic diets in cancer treatment :… Read more Read more
University of Queensland team devises universal test for cancer
Researchers at University of Queensland have devised a new diagnostic test that can identify presence of tumor in the body based on a DNA nanostructure. Source: University of Queensland Read more
The emerging role of ketogenic diets in cancer treatment
Source: The emerging role of ketogenic diets in cancer treatment : Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Read more
NutriScape Wants Your Best Resource Links
As fantastic as Google is, it can’t filter out the fluff that we, as dietitians were not looking for. NutriScape has undertaken the massive task of linking one central site to all of the most useful nutrition related resources the internet has to offer. seeks to provide the professional content you are looking for…. Read more Read more
Food and Inflammation -15 Minute Podcast
Nutritionist Diana Nolan describes the specific molecules in food that can help resolve chronic inflammation. Listen on Read more
Diet and Cancer
Listen on ReachMD. Dietitian Diana Noland outlines the roles that nutrition play in cancer treatment, as well as specific nutritional problems cancer patients Read more
Clinical Nutrition Week
Clinical Nutrition Week is by far the most relevant continuing education for any dietitian working in a hospital clinical Visit ASPEN