Month: September 2016

Diabetes CE From Present Diabetes

Diabetes CE From Present Diabetes


These lectures can be taken for CDR credit.

Diabetes & Glucose Management; BGM and Meal Planning $15.00

Diabetes & Glucose Management; Insulin Therapy $15.00

Diabetes & Glucose Management; Insulin Therapy $15.00

Diabetes & Glucose Management; Insulin Therapy $15.00

Diabetes & Glucose Management; Physical Activity $15.00

Diabetes & Glucose Management; Physical Activity $15.00

Diabetes and Cancer – What’s the Connection? $15.00

Diabetes and Pregnancy-Dispel Myths Calm Fears but Teach Realities-Part 1 $15.00

Diabetes and Pregnancy-Dispel Myths Calm Fears but Teach Realities-Part 2 $15.00

Glargine Insulin and Cancer Risk: The Facts! $10.00

Insulin for the Non-Specialist $20.00

Obesity, Diabetes and an Increased Risk of Cancer – What is the Evidence $10.00

Origin – What have we Learned about Early Insulin Therapy? $15.00

PCOS-New Advances and Treatment Options $15.00

Preventing Diabetes $15.00

Monash University FODMAPS App

Monash University FODMAPS App

This  video is about Monash University’s development of the FODMAP diet and their App, which is the most up to date resource on the changing and often conflicting food data regarding the FODMAPS content of various foods.




Biggest Losers Give Us a Lesson on Metabolic Adaptation

Biggest Losers Give Us a Lesson on Metabolic Adaptation

metabolic adaptationIf we are reading this study right, it means that some of our estimates of calorie needs could be off by hundreds of calories for patients who have had a past history of “successful” dieting.   A study of “The Biggest Loser” participants showed metabolic adaptation was −499 ± 207 calories per day even 6 years after the competition!

“All but one subject regained some of the weight lost during the competition and five subjects were within 1% of their baseline weight or above.”

Mifflin-St.Jeor Calorie Calculator

Mifflin-St.Jeor Calorie Calculator


Calculator.Net offers this calorie calculator based on the Mifflin-St.Jeor energy prediction equation.

Although this equation is the most appropriate and most accurate for healthy individuals seeking weight loss, metabolic adaptation is significant patients with a  history of weight loss.  A study of “The Biggest Loser” participants showed metabolic adaptation of −499 ± 207 calories per day after 6 years!