Author: NutriScape

Are Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease Genetic? A Nutrigenomic Approach

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland on the lower neck, responsible for growth and development, body temperature, heart rate, menstrual cycles, and weight. Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid is not producing enough thyroid hormone, which can affect a wide range of physiological functions. Common symptoms include cold extremities, poor digestion (B12 and calcium absorption go down due to low stomach acid), weight gain, constipation, high LDL, poor concentration, excess sleep, depression, low sex drive and/or infertility and fatigue.

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Should You Drink Alcohol with APOE4?

Have you noticed that for every study that shows alcohol is harmful to your health, another one comes out a week later that shows the opposite? Depending on the study, you may conclude that alcohol will either cut your life short or help you live past 100.

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Is Your Ancestry Increasing Your Risk for Osteoporosis?

bmi and mortality, thin and fat

When you think of healthy bones, who do you think had stronger skeletons? Hunter-gatherers or early Neolithic farmers? The skeletons of the early Neolithic farmers show scurvy (vitamin C deficiencies), rickets (vitamin D deficiencies), poor dental health, bone infections and a stature roughly six inches shorter than the hunter-gatherers. The hunter-gatherers had excellent teeth, they were rarely malnourished, they were taller than most people today, and they didn’t suffer from endemic or epidemic diseases.

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How the APOE Gene Affects the Immune System

Functional Nutrition

The International Journal of Medicine published a commentary in late April 2020 titled, “Does apolipoprotein E genotype predict COVID-19 severity?” The researchers argue that it is possible that having one or two copies of APOE-E4 allele predisposes one to be at high risk of progressing to severe illness from COVID-19. The risk is hypothesized due to a more robust innate immune response, followed by a cytokine storm, resulting in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

Genetics, Blood Pressure and COVID-19

‘High blood pressure is considered one of the significant pre-existing symptoms in regards to COVID-19 severity, along with cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In Wuhan, China, early data found that the overall mortality rate was about 2% among patients with the virus. However, the rate jumped to 6% in patients with high blood pressure. In Italy, more than 99% of people who’ve died from the virus had a pre-existing condition, and 75% of them had high blood pressure.’

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Mifflin-St.Jeor Calorie Calculator

Mifflin-St.Jeor Calorie Calculator


Calculator.Net offers this calorie calculator based on the Mifflin-St.Jeor energy prediction equation.

Although this equation is the most appropriate and most accurate for healthy individuals seeking weight loss, metabolic adaptation is significant patients with a  history of weight loss.  A study of “The Biggest Loser” participants showed metabolic adaptation of −499 ± 207 calories per day after 6 years!

Videos on Very Basic Concepts in Diabetes

Videos on Very Basic Concepts in Diabetes

DM videos



This series of short videos offered by Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University may serve as a very basic introduction to the key concepts in diabetes.

Videos include:

  • What is Diabetes? An introduction to diabetes and its causes. 5 minutes.
  • The Ups & Downs of Blood Sugar.  What causes blood sugar to go up and down, how to keep it within the right range, and why it’s important. 5 minutes.
  • Checking Your Blood Sugar. How to check your blood sugar, by yourself and through your doctor.6 minutes.
  • Protect Your Eyes. How diabetes can hurt the eyes, and how to prevent it. 3 minutes.
  • Protect Your Feet.  How to care for your feet and avoid diabetic foot problems. 5 minutes.
  • Know Your Blood Pressure.  What blood pressure is, how to control it, and why it’s important. 4 minutes.
  • Know Your Cholesterol.  What cholesterol is, how to control it, and why it’s important. 6 minutes.